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Ressources for composers, orchestrators & instrumentalists

Questions I ask myself, questions I hear, common preconceptions...

... whether on the operation of an instrument,

 instrumental techniques and their writing, the perception of a sound phenomenon...

... we can not practice the demanding art wich music is

on weak technical bases!

I offer here various files that I hope will answer some of your questions. If they do not, do not hesitate to contact to me!

These ressources  are freely accessible thanks to the participation of many contributors, who by their contribution in knowledge, equipment or their instrumental participation gave these ressources a quality that I could not reach alone, a big thank-you to all of them!

Restez informé(e)



Harmonics for strings



Harmonics for woodwinds



Focus on instrumental effects & accessories



Unpitched instruments



Pitch and tune


  • Part 1 : Micro-intervals (coming soon)

  • Part 2 : Tuning accuracy (coming soon)

  • Part 2bis : Experimental protocol (coming soon)

  • Part 3 : Equal temperament (coming soon)

  • Part 4 : The precision of the violinist fingers (coming soon)





Books, events...




Thanks to...


Tom Dercourt - Film producer

Agathe Hemmo - Violin / Viola

Jérôme Lemonnier - Composer

Benoît Levesque - Contrabass

Justine Levine - Violin

Lucas Malléus - Piano / Sciences

Sarah Meloux - Violin

Paulo Navarro - Piano

Benjamin N'Kaoua - Composer / Percussions

Jérôme Noirot - Sound engineer

Maxime Perreau - Viola

Antoine Pradalet - Sound engineer

Samy Rachid - Violoncello

Clément Sozanski - Viola

Natsumi Takahashi - Saxophone

Chloé Triscornia - Violoncello

Frédéric Visconte - Violin


La Majeur recording studio, Paris

Département SATIS de la Faculté des Sciences d'Aix-Marseille

inouï samples, Paris




ADLER Samuel, The Study of Orchestration - Second Edition, W. W. Norton and Compagny, 1989

ALTENBURGER Paul, Manuel de Lutherie, Vial, 2000

BARBOUR James Murray, Tuning and Temperament : a Historical Survey, Michagan State College Press, 1951

BERLIOZ Hector, Grand Traité d'Instrumentation et d'Orchestration, Lemoine, 1860

CAPLAIN Robert, Techniques de prise de son, Dunod, 2017

DANHAUSER Adolphe, Théorie de la Musique, Henri Lemoine, 1995*

DALMONT Jean-Pierre & KERGOMARD Jean, Le rythme des anches, Pour La Science n°373, Pour La Science, 2008

DONVAL Serge, Histoire de l'Acoustique Musicale, Fuzeau, 2006

FORSYTH Cecil, Orchestration, MacMmillan & Co, 1914

ROADS Curtis, L'Audionumérique - Musique et Informatique, Dunod (Audio-Photo-Vidéo), 2007

SIRON Jacques, Dictionnaire des Mots de la Musique, Outre Mesure, 2006

SOLOMON Samuel Z., How to write for percussions - second edition, Oxford University Press, 2016

VANBESALAERE Jean-Philippe, Guide de l'instrumentation à l'usage des ensembles d'instruments à vents, Van de Velde, 1995


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